- “Nothing."
- “I guess I don’t mind my hair/eyes/etc.” (Often a part of the body that we don’t judge on its fatness. Also note the disqualifies of “I guess” and “I don’t mind.”)
- (Nervous laughing) followed by “I’m not really sure…” and they’ll avoid answering the question.
Ask a child (elementary age or younger) what they like about their body and this is what you’ll hear:
- “Everything!"
- “It’s big and strong!"
- “I love my legs/arms/belly!” (Any body part is appreciable for kids!)
Note the adult’s discomfort and distaste for their own body, while the child’s enthusiasm is unfiltered and without hesitation.
When between childhood and adulthood did this change? And why?...
Can you act for one moment "as if" you were a child - what would you like about your body?
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